[Plug-webdev] Change Control: PLUG WebSite plug.phoenix.az.us
Lisa Kachold
2011-01-15 22:42:16 UTC
PLUG Website Changes:

Default submission settings have been changed from:

a) Immediate SAVE rather the REQUIRED Preview (save us all a step) You can
still PREVIEW if you like.

b) Default Comments READ WRITE to DISABLED (We had extensive SPAM hosted via
this old Comment ON default content submission setting - too hard to
maintain - therefore you MUST change the Publishing option in order to allow
Comments; we expect you to police your Comment On content page to ensure
it's not SPAMMY).

c) Default Publishing Options Promoted to Front Page NOT CHECKED (You now
must check it if you want it to appear on the front page rather than JUST
have it displayed in the Right Side Panel as a "Future Event", or the
leftside Panel under "Recent Posts". And we now can more easily ensure that
the front page doesn't get to be 6 pages of full archeological posts, at
some time or another, via this new system. We have some wonderful content
that is regularly spidered, so now our SEO Settings and Google ratings will
be higher without all that SPAM and without the duplicate Content Trees
(Recent Posts and Front Page).

Other Changes:

I have unpublished ALL events except for 3 by unchecking the Publishing
Option Promoted to Front Page.

I have deleted whatever SPAM was there in comments, although some might
still exist.

It's a new year, so we now have the cleaned up our PLUG Site front page and
system of use.
(503) 754-4452
(623) 688-3392
