[Plug-webdev] Request for Comments: Moving Hackfest for 3rd Saturday from Gangplankhq.com to Tempe Maker Bench on University at 3-6PM
Lisa Kachold
2011-06-28 19:47:23 UTC
I am requesting feedback from the PLUG members regarding our plan to
move the 3rd Saturday of every month meeting from Chandler
gangplankhq.com Noon-3PM to Tempe Maker Bench on University from 3PM

Maker Bench:
2010 E University Drive, Tempe, Suite 4.

We will still continue to have a hackfest on the 2nd Saturday at
gangplankhq.com from Noon-3PM in Chandler.

Please let me know if you see any conflicts or would like to request
we consider another direction.

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