2008-06-10 18:44:30 UTC
moin moin,
I fixed the ownership of the files directory so we can now upload files.
I added the PLUG logo, but the pushbutton theme insists on putting a box
in the upper right and we have a transparent logo, so the box keeps
showing through.
I switched to marvin and now we have our logo again.
We really need a better theme.
We need something that's variable width that will expand for really wide
browser windows and that will hopefully squish down for skinny browser
windows as well.
I'd like it to take less vertical space for the header and less reserved
space on the sides than is the case for marvin.
Having it be a theme that's configurable via the browser would also be
I fixed the ownership of the files directory so we can now upload files.
I added the PLUG logo, but the pushbutton theme insists on putting a box
in the upper right and we have a transparent logo, so the box keeps
showing through.
I switched to marvin and now we have our logo again.
We really need a better theme.
We need something that's variable width that will expand for really wide
browser windows and that will hopefully squish down for skinny browser
windows as well.
I'd like it to take less vertical space for the header and less reserved
space on the sides than is the case for marvin.
Having it be a theme that's configurable via the browser would also be
# "Lie detector eyeglasses perfected: Civilization collapses."
# -- Richard Powers
# "Lie detector eyeglasses perfected: Civilization collapses."
# -- Richard Powers