[Plug-webdev] Jun WS topics
2008-06-21 09:19:20 UTC
moin moin,

Please get this info up. I will get MythTV details to the webdev list once
I get them from Denny.

Topic: MythTV demo
Presenter: info coming

Topic: HA Clustering on linux...

Why HA cluster? Benefits, Drawbacks, HCM not covered (not in 30
minutes). HA Clustering basics: Heartbeat, group broker, service mangler,
services (layers). Specific technologies: Heartbeat (the project),
brief cover of VCS and HACMP to show what's expected. Infrastructure
techs: drdb, iscsi, regular SAN, GFS/NFS, NIC's, etc. Service examples:
Apache/tomcat/whatever, NFS/GFS/whatever, DRBD, Databases (oracle, db2,
mysql, postgres, they all really play the same at this level)

Presenter: James McPhee

James has been involved with Linux since he installed Slackware 3.4
back in 1998, two days before 3.5 came out; 2.0.32 kernel FTW!! His
professional career started in 2000 in American Express's web engineer
dept ( he started with NT, but quickly hopped to Sun). James started
work with IBM in 2002 as a SysAdmin/Eng lead. In 2006 he went to work
for Perot Systems as an AIX engineer where he's been introducing as much
OSS as possible for his own sanity. His primary technologies have been
Web or cluster-related systems. The giant web environments really are
multi-layered clusters if you think about it. He's not die-hard OSS and
will use commercial software if it makes more sense. The current apps
he runs use windows/citrix, aix/oracle, and some of its own proprietary
stuff. Where he has a choice he's running RHEL, Suse, Ubuntu, CentOS, and
Gentoo (different sites are willing to load different beasts).

Topic: Ubuntu desktop class - Using the Internet

This month's talk will start on connecting to the Internet and web
browsing. It will include an extra-curricular introduction to Firefox 3.

Presenter: der.hans

der.hans is a well-known Free Software advocate. He is currently teaching
Free Software classes for Mesa Community College's Business and Industry
Institute, http://www.LuftHans.com/Classes. He is chairmain for PLUG and
a founding member of LOPSA where he is also the volunteer coordinator and
education committee chair. He is also the founder of the Free Software
Stammtisch, co-founder of LOPSA-US-AZ and a past president for ASULUG. He
has many years of experience as both a system administrator and software

June's west side meeting is co-sponsored by LOPSA-US-AZ.



# http://www.LuftHans.com/ https://LOPSA.org/
# "It is appallingly obvious that our technology exceeds our humanity."
# -- Einstein
2008-06-21 09:23:56 UTC
Am 21. Jun, 2008 schwätzte der.hans so:

moin moin,

I forgot to mention that we will have grandma's cheesecake for this
meeting. Please add that to the entry as well.


Post by der.hans
moin moin,
Please get this info up. I will get MythTV details to the webdev list once
I get them from Denny.
Topic: MythTV demo
Presenter: info coming
Topic: HA Clustering on linux...
Why HA cluster? Benefits, Drawbacks, HCM not covered (not in 30
minutes). HA Clustering basics: Heartbeat, group broker, service mangler,
services (layers). Specific technologies: Heartbeat (the project),
brief cover of VCS and HACMP to show what's expected. Infrastructure
Apache/tomcat/whatever, NFS/GFS/whatever, DRBD, Databases (oracle, db2,
mysql, postgres, they all really play the same at this level)
Presenter: James McPhee
James has been involved with Linux since he installed Slackware 3.4
back in 1998, two days before 3.5 came out; 2.0.32 kernel FTW!! His
professional career started in 2000 in American Express's web engineer
dept ( he started with NT, but quickly hopped to Sun). James started
work with IBM in 2002 as a SysAdmin/Eng lead. In 2006 he went to work
for Perot Systems as an AIX engineer where he's been introducing as much
OSS as possible for his own sanity. His primary technologies have been
Web or cluster-related systems. The giant web environments really are
multi-layered clusters if you think about it. He's not die-hard OSS and
will use commercial software if it makes more sense. The current apps
he runs use windows/citrix, aix/oracle, and some of its own proprietary
stuff. Where he has a choice he's running RHEL, Suse, Ubuntu, CentOS, and
Gentoo (different sites are willing to load different beasts).
Topic: Ubuntu desktop class - Using the Internet
This month's talk will start on connecting to the Internet and web
browsing. It will include an extra-curricular introduction to Firefox 3.
Presenter: der.hans
der.hans is a well-known Free Software advocate. He is currently teaching
Free Software classes for Mesa Community College's Business and Industry
Institute, http://www.LuftHans.com/Classes. He is chairmain for PLUG and
a founding member of LOPSA where he is also the volunteer coordinator and
education committee chair. He is also the founder of the Free Software
Stammtisch, co-founder of LOPSA-US-AZ and a past president for ASULUG. He
has many years of experience as both a system administrator and software
June's west side meeting is co-sponsored by LOPSA-US-AZ.
# http://www.LuftHans.com/ https://LOPSA.org/
# "It is appallingly obvious that our technology exceeds our humanity."
# -- Einstein
PLUG-webdev mailing list
# http://www.LuftHans.com/ https://LOPSA.org/
# Only wimps use tape backup: _real_ men just upload their important
# stuff on ftp, and let the rest of the world mirror it. -- Linus Torvalds
Alan Dayley
2008-06-22 05:28:01 UTC
der.hans wrote:
| Am 21. Jun, 2008 schwätzte der.hans so:
| moin moin,
| I forgot to mention that we will have grandma's cheesecake for this
| meeting. Please add that to the entry as well.


Alan Dayley
2008-06-22 05:27:47 UTC
der.hans wrote:
| moin moin,
| Please get this info up. I will get MythTV details to the webdev list once
| I get them from Denny.


2008-06-23 08:29:39 UTC
Post by Alan Dayley
| moin moin,
| Please get this info up. I will get MythTV details to the webdev list once
| I get them from Denny.


# http://www.LuftHans.com/ https://LOPSA.org/
# "Dinosaurs return. Want their oil back." -- David Brin