2008-06-23 16:59:45 UTC
moin moin,
here's the info for the MythTV demo on Wed. Please let me know when it's
up on the site.
Topic: MythTV demo
Denny is bringing in his MythTV server to give a demo on how MythTV works.
We will also use Live CDs to build client viewers.
Presenter: Denny Hipsher
Denny has been an avid computer user since the late 80's, when he used
my Turbo XT computer to login to the Prodigy online service via a 2400
baud modem. Over the years, and the upgrades, he has always used no cost
software in one form or another. Shareware, freeware, and open source all
fit well with his nonexistant budget.
Denny also liked watching tv for as long as he can remember. But the
network execs insisted on putting some of his favorite shows on at times
that he would rather be doing other things, like sleeping. Programming the
VCR to record these shows got old fast. Like way back in the 70's fast.
And tape management got to the point where he didn't know what shows he
had or how much blank space was left on a given tape. Or even which of the
50 tapes he was round robin recording on was up next. But for 30 years he
had no better option.
Then Denny bought a HDTV tuner card for my computer and never looked back.
Sure the software that came with the card sucked. But that was easily
replaced with free software. Come see it in action at the next west side
here's the info for the MythTV demo on Wed. Please let me know when it's
up on the site.
Topic: MythTV demo
Denny is bringing in his MythTV server to give a demo on how MythTV works.
We will also use Live CDs to build client viewers.
Presenter: Denny Hipsher
Denny has been an avid computer user since the late 80's, when he used
my Turbo XT computer to login to the Prodigy online service via a 2400
baud modem. Over the years, and the upgrades, he has always used no cost
software in one form or another. Shareware, freeware, and open source all
fit well with his nonexistant budget.
Denny also liked watching tv for as long as he can remember. But the
network execs insisted on putting some of his favorite shows on at times
that he would rather be doing other things, like sleeping. Programming the
VCR to record these shows got old fast. Like way back in the 70's fast.
And tape management got to the point where he didn't know what shows he
had or how much blank space was left on a given tape. Or even which of the
50 tapes he was round robin recording on was up next. But for 30 years he
had no better option.
Then Denny bought a HDTV tuner card for my computer and never looked back.
Sure the software that came with the card sucked. But that was easily
replaced with free software. Come see it in action at the next west side
# Only wimps use tape backup: _real_ men just upload their important
# stuff on ftp, and let the rest of the world mirror it. -- Linus Torvalds
# Only wimps use tape backup: _real_ men just upload their important
# stuff on ftp, and let the rest of the world mirror it. -- Linus Torvalds