[Plug-webdev] PLUG credits
2008-02-06 06:57:37 UTC
moin moin,

we need to come up with a list of sponsors and volunteers for our credits

I want to get that put up when I get back from vacation in a couple of

We need to list companies who have hosted services and meetings. We should
also list volunteers who have provided some role, e.g. Kevin for taking
care of our member map.

East Side Meeting Facility, past: Scottsdale Boys & Girls Club
East Side Meeting Facility, current: Sequoia Charter School

Member Map Maintainer: Kevin
East Side Meeting Host, past: Wes
East Side Meeting Host, present: Brian
West Side Topic Coordinator, past: George G

Companies and individuals can, of course, request not to be recognized if
they prefer. They can also use nicknames if they prefer.


# https://www.LuftHans.com/ http://www.CiscoLearning.org/
# "Communications without intelligence is noise;
# Intelligence without communications is irrelevant."
# Gen. Alfred. M. Gray, USMC
Joshua Zeidner
2008-02-06 17:24:06 UTC
Post by der.hans
moin moin,
we need to come up with a list of sponsors and volunteers for our credits
You also need to put the names of the members of the Steering
Commitee on the PLUG site. Also post bylaws, and any other relevant
financial/legal information, etc. It would also be nice if you posted
some background info on the SC members, etc.

Post by der.hans
I want to get that put up when I get back from vacation in a couple of
We need to list companies who have hosted services and meetings. We should
also list volunteers who have provided some role, e.g. Kevin for taking
care of our member map.
East Side Meeting Facility, past: Scottsdale Boys & Girls Club
East Side Meeting Facility, current: Sequoia Charter School
Member Map Maintainer: Kevin
East Side Meeting Host, past: Wes
East Side Meeting Host, present: Brian
West Side Topic Coordinator, past: George G
Companies and individuals can, of course, request not to be recognized if
they prefer. They can also use nicknames if they prefer.
# https://www.LuftHans.com/ http://www.CiscoLearning.org/
# "Communications without intelligence is noise;
# Intelligence without communications is irrelevant."
# Gen. Alfred. M. Gray, USMC
PLUG-webdev mailing list
Brian Cluff
2008-02-06 18:34:24 UTC
I'm also the west side host ;)

Brian Cluff
Post by Joshua Zeidner
Post by der.hans
moin moin,
we need to come up with a list of sponsors and volunteers for our credits
You also need to put the names of the members of the Steering
Commitee on the PLUG site. Also post bylaws, and any other relevant
financial/legal information, etc. It would also be nice if you posted
some background info on the SC members, etc.
Post by der.hans
I want to get that put up when I get back from vacation in a couple of
We need to list companies who have hosted services and meetings. We should
also list volunteers who have provided some role, e.g. Kevin for taking
care of our member map.
East Side Meeting Facility, past: Scottsdale Boys & Girls Club
East Side Meeting Facility, current: Sequoia Charter School
Member Map Maintainer: Kevin
East Side Meeting Host, past: Wes
East Side Meeting Host, present: Brian
West Side Topic Coordinator, past: George G
Companies and individuals can, of course, request not to be recognized if
they prefer. They can also use nicknames if they prefer.
# https://www.LuftHans.com/ http://www.CiscoLearning.org/
# "Communications without intelligence is noise;
# Intelligence without communications is irrelevant."
# Gen. Alfred. M. Gray, USMC
PLUG-webdev mailing list
PLUG-webdev mailing list
2008-02-06 20:31:26 UTC
Post by Joshua Zeidner
Post by der.hans
moin moin,
we need to come up with a list of sponsors and volunteers for our credits
You also need to put the names of the members of the Steering
Commitee on the PLUG site. Also post bylaws, and any other relevant
financial/legal information, etc. It would also be nice if you posted
some background info on the SC members, etc.
There are no bylaws or financial or legal info. PLUG intentionally isn't a
legal organization.

We could put up info on the SC, but I'd rather concentrate on giving
credit to our volunteers and sponsors first.


# https://www.LuftHans.com/ http://www.CiscoLearning.org/
# <allbery_b> wouldn't that be "shopping is hard, let's do math"?
Joshua Zeidner
2008-02-06 20:36:36 UTC
Post by der.hans
Post by Joshua Zeidner
Post by der.hans
moin moin,
we need to come up with a list of sponsors and volunteers for our credits
You also need to put the names of the members of the Steering
Commitee on the PLUG site. Also post bylaws, and any other relevant
financial/legal information, etc. It would also be nice if you posted
some background info on the SC members, etc.
There are no bylaws or financial or legal info. PLUG intentionally isn't a
legal organization.
are there any trademarks associated with PLUG?
Post by der.hans
We could put up info on the SC, but I'd rather concentrate on giving
credit to our volunteers and sponsors first.
really? you're talking like its some huge thing. How about posting
the names right here on this list? Then I'll log into the site and
add them myself.

just looking to help out. :)


2008-02-06 22:30:10 UTC
Post by Joshua Zeidner
Post by der.hans
Post by Joshua Zeidner
Post by der.hans
moin moin,
we need to come up with a list of sponsors and volunteers for our credits
You also need to put the names of the members of the Steering
Commitee on the PLUG site. Also post bylaws, and any other relevant
financial/legal information, etc. It would also be nice if you posted
some background info on the SC members, etc.
There are no bylaws or financial or legal info. PLUG intentionally isn't a
legal organization.
are there any trademarks associated with PLUG?
Not that I know of.
Post by Joshua Zeidner
Post by der.hans
We could put up info on the SC, but I'd rather concentrate on giving
credit to our volunteers and sponsors first.
really? you're talking like its some huge thing. How about posting
Not trying to imply it's a big project.
Post by Joshua Zeidner
the names right here on this list? Then I'll log into the site and
add them myself.
just looking to help out. :)
Cool. Danke.

I'm trying to get others to help create the list. I've got SCALE and
vacation for the next two weeks, so don't have time to think about it for
a bit.

We could be adding content as it rolls in.


# https://www.LuftHans.com/ http://www.CiscoLearning.org/
# "You go to Afghanistan and you swallow enough dust that you'll pass an
# adobe brick." -- Robin Williams, 03Aug2006