[Plug-webdev] OT discussion organization
2008-09-24 21:36:01 UTC
I am taking note of the intensity of the reaction to some of the
political discussions that come through the board. Is there a way that
PLUG could set up a board that is specifically devoted to OT discussions
that could be ignored by others?

Personally, agree or disagree I find them fascinating, even if there are
a few out there who are "wrong" (translate that into don't think as I

The goal would be to avoid antagonizing some of the sensitive
individuals who feel we should only be dealing with Linux topics and
provide a forum for those who want to discuss things with the circle of
friends and community that is PLUG.

Just telling people to take it elsewhere is of limited value if there is
not a specific elsewhere that includes the circle of friends. Labeling
items OT is a problem because some things that come in like the request
for assistance with a Linux box by the man from Georgia is of common

Alex Dean
2008-09-24 23:47:00 UTC
That idea comes up about every 6 months. The consensus has been to
keep everything on 1 list, use 'OT' when appropriate, and those who
want to filter/ignore those kinds of posts can do so.

I'm not eager to have that debate all over again. If you'd like some
help setting up a procmail filter to do this, let me know. (I have
one, and a separate mailbox for OT posts.)

Post by koder
I am taking note of the intensity of the reaction to some of the
political discussions that come through the board. Is there a way that
PLUG could set up a board that is specifically devoted to OT
that could be ignored by others?
Personally, agree or disagree I find them fascinating, even if there are
a few out there who are "wrong" (translate that into don't think as I
The goal would be to avoid antagonizing some of the sensitive
individuals who feel we should only be dealing with Linux topics and
provide a forum for those who want to discuss things with the circle of
friends and community that is PLUG.
Just telling people to take it elsewhere is of limited value if there is
not a specific elsewhere that includes the circle of friends. Labeling
items OT is a problem because some things that come in like the request
for assistance with a Linux box by the man from Georgia is of common
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