[Plug-webdev] PLUGTaskList
2008-03-09 08:23:50 UTC
moin moin,


I've added a task list with the items I could think of tonight.

I also added the volunteer and sponsor stuff I could think of off the top
of my head.

I also added something I did, just to show one way of marking things done.
Maybe we should include a date. Yeah, I think we should, so I'll add that
as well.

Some people won't have access to change that page even though they can fix
stuff. For now please just email the webdev list and ask that someone with
access update the page. Keep doing stuff, so the repeated requests for log
updates will serve as incentive for us to make sure the permissions are
set properly :).


# https://www.LuftHans.com/ http://www.CiscoLearning.org/
# "Batman Sues Batsignal: Demands Trademark Royalties." -- Cory Doctorow
2008-03-09 22:22:58 UTC
Suggest adding a list of PLUG web site's purpose and overall goals.

Is it to serve just as a place to post notices of PLUG meetings or is it
to serve a wider role as a resource of some type and if so, what type of
resource whom for PLUG members, or the Linux community at large.

Post by der.hans
moin moin,
I've added a task list with the items I could think of tonight.
I also added the volunteer and sponsor stuff I could think of off the top
of my head.
I also added something I did, just to show one way of marking things done.
Maybe we should include a date. Yeah, I think we should, so I'll add that
as well.
Some people won't have access to change that page even though they can fix
stuff. For now please just email the webdev list and ask that someone with
access update the page. Keep doing stuff, so the repeated requests for log
updates will serve as incentive for us to make sure the permissions are
set properly :).
2008-03-10 02:39:34 UTC
Post by koder
Suggest adding a list of PLUG web site's purpose and overall goals.
Is it to serve just as a place to post notices of PLUG meetings or is it
to serve a wider role as a resource of some type and if so, what type of
resource whom for PLUG members, or the Linux community at large.
What do we want it to be? Not trying to be smart, but it's up to those
working on the site.

I would like it to be a great resource for things GNU/Linux and Free
Software in Phoenix.

Minimally I want it to be a good resource for things PLUG.


# https://www.LuftHans.com/ http://www.CiscoLearning.org/
# The only way for a woman to change a man
# is if he's wearing Depends[TM] - der.hans