[Plug-webdev] Quick HowTo Drupal Twitter and Facebook Modules
Lisa Kachold
2011-01-20 15:19:15 UTC

I don't need your Drupal <http://drupal.org/> version since these work for
4,5,6. I think you built ABLEconf over on 110mb.com<http://www.110mb.com/>,
one of the free sites I recommended a few years ago?

FOSS Modules Available via:

These modules have no dependencies.

Download, extract and ftp into the module directory (varies by version);
login as Administrator, choose Administrator-->Modules to enable your new
tools (be sure to check "throttle", as memory might not have been extended
in your configuration files (I did it on PLUG <http://plug.phoenix.az.us>,
allowing a great deal of new fun) [hit me later, I will clue you how to
expand your available system memory]).

NOTE for you scaredycats - often when you add modules the first time your
site appears to be broken with a series of errors; just wait and hit reload,
unless you are changing a module or setting related to the Administrative
menu, or login access, you should be fine "Buck Up"; if you still cannot get
in - ftp or web Manage Files to delete that offending module and
reinitialize your login (remove cookies).

Get Facebook API key from developers.facebook.com

Twitter module has a global account in the module setup that often doesn't
work with your twitter name.
Instead go into your username and add your twitter name/blog/etc. This is
nice in that a great number of users can add content (comments, video,
photos) and post to twitter including a tinyurl.

Here's the video:

Should take about 15 minutes to enable.

NOTE, if you have a custom theme that uses a CSS TAB menu for the user
options, this will add two, which might go off the screen.

Since you don't use custom CSS or themes, this should just appear on the
user's menu!

Viola! Easy "use the source" tools for everyone.

Drupal is a secure<http://montenasoft.com/files/Securing_Your_Drupal_Site.pdf>(when
implemented well) easy
CMS <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Content_management_system> that provides
the ability to vastly and easily modify themes and write (or hack) custom

Governments and Municipalities Using Drupal are extensive:

Of course if you use insecure modules, or fail to pentest your own
environment, there could be problems:

On Thu, Jan 20, 2011 at 2:09 AM, der.hans
Did you setup the modules in Drupal to burst to Facebook/twitter (others)?
Do I have Administrator access?
Which modules do you recommend?
Currently I'm the only one who can add modules.
# http://www.LuftHans.com/ http://www.LuftHans.com/Classes/
# ABLEconf - 2011Apr02 - CfP 2010Jan22 - Free Software for Free Enterprise
# "I have seen the enemy, and it is shiny." -- Benjy Feen, 22Jun2001
Discuss mailing list
(503) 754-4452
(623) 688-3392

Ariel Gold
2011-01-23 14:11:57 UTC
just found this in my gmail spam folder with this warning:

Warning: This message may not be from whom it claims to be. Beware of
following any links in it or of providing the sender with any personal
information. Learn

Any idea why?
I don't need your Drupal version since these work for 4,5,6. I think you
built ABLEconf over on 110mb.com, one of the free sites I recommended a
few years ago?
These modules have no dependencies.
Download, extract and ftp into the module directory (varies by version);
login as Administrator, choose Administrator-->Modules to enable your new
tools (be sure to check "throttle", as memory might not have been extended
in your configuration files (I did it on PLUG, allowing a great deal of
new fun) [hit me later, I will clue you how to expand your available system
NOTE for you scaredycats - often when you add modules the first time your
site appears to be broken with a series of errors; just wait and hit reload,
unless you are changing a module or setting related to the Administrative
menu, or login access, you should be fine "Buck Up"; if you still cannot get
in - ftp or web Manage Files to delete that offending module and
reinitialize your login (remove cookies).
Get Facebook API key from developers.facebook.com
Twitter module has a global account in the module setup that often doesn't
work with your twitter name.
Instead go into your username and add your twitter name/blog/etc. This is
nice in that a great number of users can add content (comments, video,
photos) and post to twitter including a tinyurl.
Should take about 15 minutes to enable.
NOTE, if you have a custom theme that uses a CSS TAB menu for the user
options, this will add two, which might go off the screen.
Since you don't use custom CSS or themes, this should just appear on the
user's menu!
Viola! Easy "use the source" tools for everyone.
Drupal is a secure (when implemented well) easy CMS that provides the
ability to vastly and easily modify themes and write (or hack) custom
Of course if you use insecure modules, or fail to pentest your own
Did you setup the modules in Drupal to burst to Facebook/twitter
Do I have Administrator access?
Which modules do you recommend?
Currently I'm the only one who can add modules.
# http://www.LuftHans.com/ http://www.LuftHans.com/Classes/
# ABLEconf - 2011Apr02 - CfP 2010Jan22 - Free Software for Free Enterprise
# "I have seen the enemy, and it is shiny." -- Benjy Feen, 22Jun2001
Discuss mailing list
(503) 754-4452
(623) 688-3392
PLUG-webdev mailing list
Lisa Kachold
2011-01-23 15:25:54 UTC
HI Ariel,


1) Someone flagged it as a phishing attempt.
2) I added enough content that spamassassin found something that equates to
an exploit.

No worries, my gmail based domain email is safe.

Be sure however that when you are surfing, especially to any of the sites I
recommend, that you have a Javascript filter in your browser?

We fairly collectively recommend:

But this one looks feisty as well:
Post by Ariel Gold
Warning: This message may not be from whom it claims to be. Beware of
following any links in it or of providing the sender with any personal
information. Learn more<http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&ctx=mail&answer=8253>
Any idea why?
I don't need your Drupal version since these work for 4,5,6. I think you
built ABLEconf over on 110mb.com, one of the free sites I recommended a
few years ago?
These modules have no dependencies.
Download, extract and ftp into the module directory (varies by version);
login as Administrator, choose Administrator-->Modules to enable your new
tools (be sure to check "throttle", as memory might not have been extended
in your configuration files (I did it on PLUG, allowing a great deal of
new fun) [hit me later, I will clue you how to expand your available system
NOTE for you scaredycats - often when you add modules the first time your
site appears to be broken with a series of errors; just wait and hit reload,
unless you are changing a module or setting related to the Administrative
menu, or login access, you should be fine "Buck Up"; if you still cannot get
in - ftp or web Manage Files to delete that offending module and
reinitialize your login (remove cookies).
Get Facebook API key from developers.facebook.com
Twitter module has a global account in the module setup that often doesn't
work with your twitter name.
Instead go into your username and add your twitter name/blog/etc. This is
nice in that a great number of users can add content (comments, video,
photos) and post to twitter including a tinyurl.
Should take about 15 minutes to enable.
NOTE, if you have a custom theme that uses a CSS TAB menu for the user
options, this will add two, which might go off the screen.
Since you don't use custom CSS or themes, this should just appear on the
user's menu!
Viola! Easy "use the source" tools for everyone.
Drupal is a secure (when implemented well) easy CMS that provides the
ability to vastly and easily modify themes and write (or hack) custom
Of course if you use insecure modules, or fail to pentest your own
Did you setup the modules in Drupal to burst to Facebook/twitter
Do I have Administrator access?
Which modules do you recommend?
Currently I'm the only one who can add modules.
# http://www.LuftHans.com/ http://www.LuftHans.com/Classes/
# ABLEconf - 2011Apr02 - CfP 2010Jan22 - Free Software for Free Enterprise
# "I have seen the enemy, and it is shiny." -- Benjy Feen, 22Jun2001
Discuss mailing list
(503) 754-4452
(623) 688-3392
PLUG-webdev mailing list
PLUG-webdev mailing list
(503) 754-4452
(623) 688-3392

*Catch My MetaSploit & IP CAM Surveillence
Presentations @ ABLEConf.com in April!*
Ariel Gold
2011-01-29 06:57:38 UTC
I use NoScript
Post by Lisa Kachold
HI Ariel,
1) Someone flagged it as a phishing attempt.
2) I added enough content that spamassassin found something that equates to
an exploit.
No worries, my gmail based domain email is safe.
Be sure however that when you are surfing, especially to any of the sites I
recommend, that you have a Javascript filter in your browser?
Post by Ariel Gold
Warning: This message may not be from whom it claims to be. Beware of
following any links in it or of providing the sender with any personal
information. Learn more<http://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&ctx=mail&answer=8253>
Any idea why?
I don't need your Drupal version since these work for 4,5,6. I think
you built ABLEconf over on 110mb.com, one of the free sites I
recommended a few years ago?
These modules have no dependencies.
Download, extract and ftp into the module directory (varies by version);
login as Administrator, choose Administrator-->Modules to enable your new
tools (be sure to check "throttle", as memory might not have been extended
in your configuration files (I did it on PLUG, allowing a great deal of
new fun) [hit me later, I will clue you how to expand your available system
NOTE for you scaredycats - often when you add modules the first time your
site appears to be broken with a series of errors; just wait and hit reload,
unless you are changing a module or setting related to the Administrative
menu, or login access, you should be fine "Buck Up"; if you still cannot get
in - ftp or web Manage Files to delete that offending module and
reinitialize your login (remove cookies).
Get Facebook API key from developers.facebook.com
Twitter module has a global account in the module setup that often
doesn't work with your twitter name.
Instead go into your username and add your twitter name/blog/etc. This
is nice in that a great number of users can add content (comments, video,
photos) and post to twitter including a tinyurl.
Should take about 15 minutes to enable.
NOTE, if you have a custom theme that uses a CSS TAB menu for the user
options, this will add two, which might go off the screen.
Since you don't use custom CSS or themes, this should just appear on the
user's menu!
Viola! Easy "use the source" tools for everyone.
Drupal is a secure (when implemented well) easy CMS that provides the
ability to vastly and easily modify themes and write (or hack) custom
Of course if you use insecure modules, or fail to pentest your own
Did you setup the modules in Drupal to burst to Facebook/twitter
Do I have Administrator access?
Which modules do you recommend?
Currently I'm the only one who can add modules.
# http://www.LuftHans.com/ http://www.LuftHans.com/Classes/
# ABLEconf - 2011Apr02 - CfP 2010Jan22 - Free Software for Free Enterprise
# "I have seen the enemy, and it is shiny." -- Benjy Feen, 22Jun2001
Discuss mailing list
(503) 754-4452
(623) 688-3392
PLUG-webdev mailing list
PLUG-webdev mailing list
(503) 754-4452
(623) 688-3392
*Catch My MetaSploit & IP CAM Surveillence
PLUG-webdev mailing list
Lisa Kachold
2011-02-01 18:02:26 UTC

These Social Networking modules look great!

I will get busy with cleanup and cross posting around.
Post by Lisa Kachold
I don't need your Drupal <http://drupal.org/> version since these work for
4,5,6. I think you built ABLEconf over on 110mb.com<http://www.110mb.com/>,
one of the free sites I recommended a few years ago?
These modules have no dependencies.
Download, extract and ftp into the module directory (varies by version);
login as Administrator, choose Administrator-->Modules to enable your new
tools (be sure to check "throttle", as memory might not have been extended
in your configuration files (I did it on PLUG <http://plug.phoenix.az.us>,
allowing a great deal of new fun) [hit me later, I will clue you how to
expand your available system memory]).
NOTE for you scaredycats - often when you add modules the first time your
site appears to be broken with a series of errors; just wait and hit reload,
unless you are changing a module or setting related to the Administrative
menu, or login access, you should be fine "Buck Up"; if you still cannot get
in - ftp or web Manage Files to delete that offending module and
reinitialize your login (remove cookies).
Get Facebook API key from developers.facebook.com
Twitter module has a global account in the module setup that often doesn't
work with your twitter name.
Instead go into your username and add your twitter name/blog/etc. This is
nice in that a great number of users can add content (comments, video,
photos) and post to twitter including a tinyurl.
Should take about 15 minutes to enable.
NOTE, if you have a custom theme that uses a CSS TAB menu for the user
options, this will add two, which might go off the screen.
Since you don't use custom CSS or themes, this should just appear on the
user's menu!
Viola! Easy "use the source" tools for everyone.
Drupal is a secure<http://montenasoft.com/files/Securing_Your_Drupal_Site.pdf>(when implemented well) easy
CMS <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Content_management_system> that provides
the ability to vastly and easily modify themes and write (or hack) custom
Of course if you use insecure modules, or fail to pentest your own
Did you setup the modules in Drupal to burst to Facebook/twitter
Do I have Administrator access?
Which modules do you recommend?
Currently I'm the only one who can add modules.
# http://www.LuftHans.com/ http://www.LuftHans.com/Classes/
# ABLEconf - 2011Apr02 - CfP 2010Jan22 - Free Software for Free Enterprise
# "I have seen the enemy, and it is shiny." -- Benjy Feen, 22Jun2001
Discuss mailing list
(503) 754-4452
(623) 688-3392
(503) 754-4452
(623) 688-3392

*Catch My MetaSploit & IP CAM Surveillence
Presentations @ ABLEConf.com in April!*